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Mission of TMS

The Montessori School educates children using the authentic Montessori approach—a multi-sensory curriculum that allows for individualized teaching and for students to learn and be challenged at their own pace as they develop academically. As a community that fosters self-confidence, leadership, and respect for self and others, TMS encourages students to grow as self-motivated, intellectually engaged learners who will serve their larger communities as both accomplished students and ambassadors of peace.

Vision for Children

TMS prepares children to be leaders of the future, stewards of the earth, and ambassadors of peace.

Core Values

• Respect for self, for others, for our world
• Integrity in everything that we do
• Patience with the development of the child
• Each of us is an ambassador of peace

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice & Belonging (DEIJB)

The Montessori School believes that a full educational excellence is best accomplished within a diverse community. We strive to create an environment that fosters peace, embraces diversity and encourages a diverse population. Our goal is to promote inclusion and collaboration, supporting an environment of openness where the exchange of ideas is appreciated and encouraged.

Multicultural education is an integral part of Montessori philosophy. Our curriculum respects the individuality of each child, creates a community of cooperation and nurtures a sense of wonder and curiosity about our differences. We honor and actively explore the varied backgrounds and cultures in the world. Students are encouraged to appreciate different perspectives, identify and reject stereotypes and prejudices, and work for equality and justice within the school and the world.

TMS enjoys a diverse community of students, families and staff, and supports differences of gender, race, religion, family structure, socio-economic level, age, sexual orientation, and learning style. We strive to maintain a collaborative environment rooted from the sharing of experiences, ideas and unique qualities that each of our members brings to the school. Our goal is that through these efforts, each member of our community will feel valued and understood.

Eight Principles of Montessori Education

These Principles of Montessori Education are derived from Dr Montessori's observations of children, and are the primary drivers of educational philosophy at The Montessori School:

Movement and Cognition. Thinking and moving involve similar processes; they both enhance learning.
Choice. Children thrive on having choice in their environment. Choice is a prime motivator of learning, and provides a sense of control.
Interest. Children learn better when they are genuinely interested in what they’re doing.
Extrinsic Rewards are Avoided. Rewards often provide a false motivator to learning.
Learning with and from Peers. Learning in a collaborative environment is closer to real life and provides a social context to learning.
Learning in Context. Learning in meaningful contexts, such as learning by doing or using a “hand-on” approach, ultimately results in a deeper understanding of the abstract as education progresses. 
Teacher Ways and Child Ways. Responding to children in an environment of freedom within boundaries, increases levels of maturity, achievement, empathy and other positive outcomes.
Order in Environment and Mind. The organization of Montessori classrooms is deliberate, and materials are logically sequenced for greater comprehension. 

Source: Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, Angeline Stoll Lillard, Oxford University Press, 2007.